Rainy Lake Houseboats

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Since 1918, the Dougherty family of Rainy Lake Houseboats has been providing guests with wonderful houseboating vacations on Rainy Lake. Join aboard as they welcome you to a wonderful wilderness adventure on this beautiful and majestic lake that has been home to Voyageurs National Park since 1971.

Upon arrival at Rainy Lake Houseboats, you will be greeted by the most friendly and caring staff in northern Minnesota. They will introduce you to your floating home, familiarize you with your equipment, and make sure that everything is in working order. You will be shown how to read the many charts provided, locate buoys, and find the routes of the “Voyageur.” These houseboats were designed to handle well in all kinds of weather with the non-boater in mind. The instrumentation is very basic so that so that you will have an easy skippering task. In addition, for your security, Rainy Lake is only a radio call away - no matter how far you roam from base.

The fully equipped, completely modern houseboats will provide you with total freedom to explore as the mood moves you. You can probe hidden bays and intimate islands that stretch forever into the distance. Explore the only inland water-based park in the National Park System, located near the center of the greatest scheme of interconnected waterways on earth. A houseboat will “leave no trace” upon the shores of Rainy Lake and is also the perfect way to spend nights in the fragile landscape of the Canadian Shield. As captain of a Rainy Lake Houseboat you will have no schedule, no deadlines, and most of all no stress!

You’ll be sure to enjoy the many hiking trails, relaxing on the sand beaches or fishing that abounds. Rainy Lake will be glad to show you the best spots for hooking walleye, northern pike, black crappies, muskies and smallmouth fish. Find out why many professional anglers rank Rainy Lake as the very top multispecie lake in the world! It’s nothing but fishing heaven on Rainy Lake!

Let the Dougherty Family welcome you aboard as you enjoy the comforts of home and explore the enchantment of this primitive corner of the world. Cruise on with Rainy Lake Houseboats!

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2 Reviews For Rainy Lake Houseboats:

  1. Doris on January 6th, 2009 10:16 pm

    Our family had a blast! This vacation destination is awesome. We took so many pictures we ran out of film AND videotape. We are already booked for this year. Thanks to the Dougherty Family for making us feel like part of their family. Bill and Cathie treated us like they had known us our whole lives. Highly recommended for family fun or just a great getaway. You won’t be disappointed in this adventure!

    Rating: 55555

  2. Amanda on January 18th, 2009 1:48 pm

    I found this place for a vacation suggestion for my parents. I showed it to them and they are going to book us for spring break. My little brother is a big fisherman at only 12 and hes super excited.

    I will check back and let ya’ll know how our vacation turns out.


    PS, Mom and Dad said the people were very nice and they are excited too:-)

    Rating: 55555

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