New Melones Lake Marina Houseboats

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Escape to the Newest Lake in California’s Central Sierra Gold Country! Magnificent scenery, miles of secluded shoreline and fantastic houseboating and fishing make New Melones Lake the perfect place for a day trip or extended family vacation year ’round! This large reservoir offers a multitude of recreational opportunities - boating, swimming, fishing, water skiing and shoreline camping …why not enjoy these activities while aboard the marina’s fabulous richly-appointed ODYSSEY HOUSEBOAT?

A Houseboat for Every Vacation Budget!
Try something different! Houseboating is the best way to discover New Melones Lake. By day, houseboats are the perfect hub for the day’s fishing trips, water skiing runs and swimming. Later, slip your houseboat into a secluded cove and enjoy a peaceful Central Sierra evening. Both the Eclipse and Odyssey model houseboats feature a hot tub on the upper deck, perfect for watching the Sierra’s unique show of stars each evening.

Recreation Wonderland…
First filled in 1983, New Melones Lake has 12,500 surface acres when full and more than 100 miles of scenic shoreline to explore. The lake is framed by topography ranging from the rugged Stanislaus River Canyon cliffs to oak-studded golden Sierra foothills. Fishermen number New Melones Lake among their favorites for its excellent trout, bass, crappie and catfish action. Something’s always biting. Hundreds of wildlife species including deer, fox, coyote, beaver, otter, and raccoon can be seen along New Melones Lake’s shore. Up above, eagles, heron, hawks, cormorant and grebe are common sights.

Explore the Mother Lode
Although New Melones Lake is a wonderful recreation destination all by itself, it happens to be right in the heart of the Sierra Mother Lode, one of California’s most popular tourists spots. If you’re looking for more than a water-oriented vacation, the choices here are endless! The lake is surrounded by the Gold Rush towns of Jamestown, Angels Camp, Murphys, Sonora and Columbia, a restored 1860’s era State Historic Park. There are wineries with tasting rooms, cave tours, gigantic underground caverns, river rafting, Calaveras County’s Jumping Frog Jubilee, Stanislaus National Forest and much more!


  • Water Education Foundation
  • Marina Recreation Association
  • Houseboat Association of America
  • Marina Operators Association of America
  • California Marine Parks and Harbors Association

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One Review For New Melones Lake Marina Houseboats:

  1. Brett on January 21st, 2009 7:27 am

    Gorgeous setting, great selection of boats and very nice people. We had the time of our life. Our 6 year old daughter loved jumping off the houseboat and climbing right back onboard and doing it again. Over and over! Hiighly recommended family fun. Something for everyone. We’ll be back soon!

    Rating: 55555

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