Sugarloaf Resort

Average Customer Rating: 55555   Write a review! Rent a Houseboat - Write a Review!

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Experience Nature’s Quality Escape
You’ll find Sugarloaf Resort conveniently located just off I-5 on the Sacramento River arm of Shasta Lake. The houseboat rental resort’s cutting edge concrete docks are wide, splinter free, and wheelchair accessible. The unique floating geodesic dome (the marina trade mark) has been replaced by a bigger and better marina store that carries a wide variety of supplies including food, beverages, clothing, and fishing tackle. Sugarloaf Resort also provides a boat ramp free of charge to Sugarloaf guests.

Shasta Lake
The houseboating capital of the world, and well known as one of the best recreational lakes in the nation, Shasta Lake is the ideal place for your next house boat vacation. This magnificent body of water, with over 360 miles of shoreline, is the best that Mother Nature has to offer. Shrouded by the massive Shasta Trinity National Forest, Shasta Lake is home to over 20 species of fish, black tailed mule deer, bald eagle, osprey, ring tailed cat, California black bear, and a host of other wildlife.

Summer days are very warm and sunny with high temperatures averaging nearly 100 degrees. Shasta Lake is primarily fed by rainfall, not snowmelt, making for very comfortable water temperatures - a heavenly 78-degree average in the summer months. Whether its skiing, swimming, fishing, hiking, relaxing or spending quality time with your family and friends, you’ll find it on Shasta Lake.

For optimal fishing and wildlife viewing, come to Shasta in the spring. The lake is at its highest level, and the fish are as abundant as the photo opportunities.


  • Water Education Foundation
  • Marina Recreation Association
  • Houseboat Association of America
  • Marina Operators Association of America
  • California Marine Parks and Harbors Association

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2 Reviews For Sugarloaf Resort:

  1. Steve on February 11th, 2009 5:56 pm

    We just got back home yesterday from what we have to say was the best family vacation we have ever taken! Don’t miss this vacation dream come true. We loved it! Highly recommended for all families.

    Rating: 55555

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